*NOTe – We ARE closed ON thu 20th + FRI 21st WHILE WE MOVE TO OUR NEW HEAD OFFICE 



Corporate Gifts 2020 - Give the Gift of Tea

Corporate gifts 2020? Are you a business owner, or senior manager tasked with the unenvious job of picking gifts for the staff this year? Or maybe you have been asked to choose some “nice” Christmas presents for your most esteemed customers and suppliers?

Either way, the onerous task of choosing corporate Christmas gifts can be a real challenge!

Perhaps we can help?

Our motto this Christmas was to give the gift of tea and your time! Maybe the best corporate Christmas gifts of 2020 will be time? A friendly chat? A “how are you?” to those who have perhaps spent months juggling working from home and looking after kids or elderly parents during lockdown? Maybe, the best way you could show gratitude to staff, suppliers or customers this year would be to give a gift of Christmas tea and time – have a virtual chat with a shared cup of tea and show some appreciation for the efforts of your internal and external customers during the most difficult time in recent history.

The Wee Tea Company is at hand to help. A full range of luxury tea gifts can be found here – https://weeteacompany.com/christmas-tea-gifts/ , where you can find carefully blended teas and beautiful packaging that would make the perfect corporate Christmas gift. Our black luxury tea gift boxes – https://weeteacompany.com/luxury-tea-gift-selection-box-of-tea-bags/, are the ideal size and shape to post to staff and colleagues, or suppliers and customers to say Thank You. Followed with a call, and the offer of your time, you really could WOW! and make a bold statement to your audience. 

Given the effect lockdown has had on people’s eating and drinking habits, maybe the gift of tea this Christmas could also show that maybe fatty foods, cakes, biscuits or wine are not the best corporate Christmas gift this year. Maybe an alcohol, sugar free alternative such as tea would be a more responsible approach this year.

Believe it or not corporate gifts have been around for hundreds of years according to wikipedia.

Great time and care was taken to develop Christmas teas, that are packed with character and flavour, and offer a true sense of the festive seasons. Why have Mulled Wine, when our Mulled Berry infusion packs just as satisfying a punch? Why have sugary Gingerbread, when our Gingerbread Tea is calorie free – but packed with Christmas Spice and flavour?

It is definitely never easy to come up with Corporate Christmas gift ideas, and maybe Tea at Christmas time offers something different and little more unique that a cheap bottle of plonk, or a box of chocolates. Coupled with a little bit of your time, maybe a gift of tea and time would just be the perfect way to show staff, customers and suppliers that are valued and appreciated.

Be bold and different this year – give the gift of tea and your time!

Derek, Jamie & Fraser

The Wee Tea Company

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